magnum valve train questions

I dont know.... can a regrind achieve increased duration and lift? I've never gotten one. Do they grind down the base circle thus requiring longer pushrods?
in a word, yes.

also, don't choose a cam based on sound. only buffoons, ignoramuses and burger cruisers buy **** cuz "it's got that chop".

make an informed decision and select a cam based on the complete package you're building. do you have enough compression, stall and gear to support that cam? heck, do you even have enough head, intake and carb?

you're looking at a nominal 9:1 static compression ratio stock, what's the dynamic going to be with a cam like that? what's your cranking compression? if that thing's got miles and never seen a rebuild you're probably looking at something in the 140~150's, what will that support?

i'm really not trying to be a jerk, but asking you to think about the system as a whole. yeah, big lift, long duration cams sound rad, and yeah they work great on race cars. where you're wringing out that peaky narrow power band for 12 to 14 seconds at a time, and the rest of the time you're left with something that eats gas and has poor driveability and bad street manners.