Another gauge corrector--cheaper than MeterMatch, 33.00

I've been running the Autometer one for a couple of years now. Seems to be better, but far from as good as I hoped. Sometimes it just seems wonky. Drove into town last weekend and was showing a 1/4 tank. Didn't seem to move all the way in (30 miles) and was fine when I started back. But shortly after getting back on the road it was down to just above E and hovered there all the way home. In theory I have a 2 gallon buffer after E so I didn't think I was going to run out of gas, but sure would be nice if it would be a little more linear.

I do think it is better and some of the flaws are certainly due to the junk sender and the issue with a 12 gallon level. Can't blame the gauge module, it can only report based on what it is being sent.