4 Headlights or 2 Headlights; opinions needed.

Obtuse ? That seems a bit harsh.
If you know a signal is not working or even present on a vehicle and your following the law as written I doubt in Cali you'd be pulled over.
Flicking an ash out the window is a different story.
Sorry for the disagreement.
Using hand signals is fine. What you're not grasping is, inoperative vehicle equipment IS a ticketable offense. Let's say you were in something a lot older that didn't come with turn signals. Then, you're likely completely in the clear. But to have original equipment like turn signals that don't work is ticketable. I guess it would depend on the officer's mood as to whether you get a ticket, but he'd be perfectly correct in his element to do it. If you cannot understand that, then I cannot help you.