Super Victor port matching

Nice photos on these threads.
Thanks, I appreciate that. I try to compose them as best as I can, it's not that easy.
The Wilson porting looks like jewelry. I don't know how they do it so well.
I called Wilson and filled out their inquiry form but that's as far as it went. I was prepared to hear a high price but it was literally triple what I thought it would be. Honest to god, to have them do a manifold for me it would have cost me more than I paid for my cylinder heads.

I get it - they are arguably the best at what they do and from what I could glean from talking to them, there is a lot of custom work involved in their process. The potential HP gain-to-dollars-spent is not realistic in this case though. It's just not worth spending that much on an off-the-shelf intake manifold for an engine like this.

Fixing the Victor would have taken them several hours to weld and re-shape and most likely it would have had to have been cut in half to equalize the ports. The alternative they suggested was to cut apart a SBC intake and adapt it to fit. I'm not opposed to the idea because it's not that far fetched but again, I just don't see the need to do all that when I can just go with a Super Victor. if I was running in some kind of unlimited class and needed every last bit of power from a particular intake then maybe but if that was the case I wouldn't be running a Victor 340 anyway.