Super Victor port matching

Just to put a bow on this, this is the port lineup now looking down the plenum from either side. This is basically what I was trying to achieve and I'm good with it. The blue is Dykem on the passenger side head, the pink is the gasket. (Superformance) Again, cutting these gaskets sucks. Maybe the Fel Pro would be easier.

As you can see from this angle, some of the runner floors still have a bit of a hump right before the port openings which I'm going to leave alone. I think that's partially the design of the intake and there isn't much I can do with it. There's no real obstruction to flow, just slightly variying volumes between the runners. I'm not sure eliminating those humps would show up on a time slip anyway.

I suppose that might be the difference between a shade tree job and a Wilson piece; they probably look at it like this a bunch of times and do what they can to get those angles to match up better. They also measure with inside mics at various points to get the runners exactly the same size. Measuring mine from the outside with the caliper jaws it looks like they vary several thousandths between all 8. I'm done grinding so is what it is.

This is #5.
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Very nice!!!