Does this prove David Vizard's 128 lsa formula ?

See, there you you go again, blinded by your own rage.
Humble people do not profess their humility.

I'm sorry that your heart cannot accept any truth but your own date-stamped pictures.
My job is not to prove my innocence.
Your job is to prove me a liar.
Your opinion is not a truth.
Everything you quoted about me is true.
Except I have no need to be the smart one. If it happens so what. If you pay attention, you will see that when I have been wrong, I have apologized.
I offer help, without condemnation. I am a helper, an assistant, a coworker, a fellow worker, a workmate, teammate, helpmate.
I tell what I have done, what worked, what didn't, and so on; Twenty five years with the same combo.. If you do not agree with it, then it's on you to say so at the time you read it., and then we can talk it out. Since I already did it, what I have said cannot be argued with. But I can give you a step-by-step, and then you can go do it, and afterwards you can come back to the table and tell me who is full of crap.
Stop your mud-slinging. It's unbecoming to a man of your age and history.

I think I know what's bugging you but you won't say it here; and I won't press the point.
My intention was never to make you feel something that you didn't want to feel. That happened for lack of understanding, and I already apologized for it. Forgive me and move on.