Super Victor port matching

Their competition porting service starts at $2K though they do offer a less-involved 'intermediate' service for around $1,200. Of course they suggest the comp. service first!

Just realize that to get the best results with either choice you ship them your heads. Shipping a set of heads back and forth to Florida from CT would probably have cost me a couple hundred bucks. Hurts to think what that would cost from California.

Intake Manifold Porting | Wilson Manifolds

My particular quote with the competition porting was going to be way more than $2K though and in fact closer to $3K. I probably could have been fine with the intermediate job but either way $1,200 is still a ton of money to spend on an intake especially since that price did not include any repair labor.

They told me the butchered intake would need at least five hours of welding(!) first to fix it then add extra material on the tops of the runners so they could have enough room to do their thing. After that it was obvious I should just forget the Victor and get the S.V. I called the head builder and he confirmed the S.V. was the way to go. Found one the next day and here we are.

Based on every picture I've seen of Wilson's work there's no doubt it would have been a killer intake. I just couldn't justify spending that much for them to repair and modify an off-the-shelf manifold for a street/strip engine.

Wilson has their place in the market for guys that like “pretty” and think pretty makes it the fastest. The intake can only be as good as the heads. If you ask 10 head and intake porters what finish the intake should have on it I’m betting 8 out of 10 are going to say a rougher bur finish. But it sure isn’t the prettiest finish.