Super Victor port matching

Wilson has their place in the market for guys that like “pretty” and think pretty makes it the fastest. The intake can only be as good as the heads. If you ask 10 head and intake porters what finish the intake should have on it I’m betting 8 out of 10 are going to say a rougher bur finish. But it sure isn’t the prettiest finish.
There's more to it than the finish. In talking to them it seemed like they really focus on getting everything equalized internally (volume, taper) which is what takes the most time. They probably cut more intakes in half than not for that reason. Had I decided to use that hacked up Victor without fixing the runners I would have had some level of cylinder-to-cylinder tuning issues. I very well may have some with the S.V. too though maybe not as pronounced since far less material was removed.

Ultimately their service wasn't for me this time but I do understand what they do and why they do it and can appreciate the end product. If I had unlimited funds to throw at stuff like this and/or didn't have to justify the cost to myself they'd be porting an intake for me. No one can see inside the intake anyway and if I don't blab about it no one would be any wiser.