Thrust issues with AFR gauge and Brawler carb

Ok, for all the love the Brawler gets around here, these carbs at BEST come with every conceivable tune up in them you can think of.

I’ve seen them with all 4 emulsion holes open.

I’ve checked one with only one emulsion hole open.

I’ve seen different sized bleeds in the same carb.

Here’s a classic. I had a guy contact me a year or so ago. Brand new carb. He was having issues getting the engine rich enough which is usually not the problem.

After several phone calls and a long time on the phone, we figured it out. When the carb was built, the primary metering block came with the power valve channel restricters that had BLANK jets in it. The had no holes so when the power valve opened there was no extra fuel added.

That would explain why he was running some HUGE jets. Just piss poor quality control.

I’m not impressed with the QC, but it is now a Holley product so that to be expected.

Saying that, your tune up has issues. We have no idea what your timing curve is.

I’m all for guys buying an O2 sensor but before buying that tool, if you can’t at least half assed read a plug do not buy one. It will lie to you and the plugs won’t.

Looking at your plugs you are FAT. Everywhere. You are fat at idle and even though I can’t see down in the plug it’s pig rich in the middle too. And WOT like the meter says.

Before guys start buying O2 sensors they should be buying a pin gauge set, drill bits and taps. That way you can measure and correct junk like this.

Before you can get help, we need some information. Otherwise we will just be talking out our hats.

We need to know how much T slot is exposed. We need to know the sizes of the air bleeds. We need to know how many emulsion holes are open and how big they are. We need to know how big and WHERE the idle feed restricters are.

Do you run a PCV valve? You should be.

We also need to know your timing curve.

This is sad because at least back in the day you almost never saw a Holley with miss matched bleeds and junk like that. Holley should have gotten out of the carb market long ago. We’d all be better off if Holley went broke and moved on to that good night.