Super Victor port matching

John, not everyone runs on a shoestring budget.

Some guys are check writers. Good on the those guys. I wish I could.

I’d bet all I have that I could take that Wilson manifold, burr finish it and not only pick up power, it would be quicker and faster in the car and I don’t give a crap what it said on the flow bench said.

Saying all that to say that I’d also bet most everything I have that Wilson KNOWS that smooth finish isn’t correct.

But doing it correctly with a burr would make it very hard to sell for that kind of money.

And the worst part of it is you can NOT convince most guys you can’t get an intake manifold too rough.

Then like I said 8 out of 10 guys prefer a burr finish. And you and I are in that 8 group. Pretty is for women not intake manifolds.