Thrust issues with AFR gauge and Brawler carb

In my limited experience, O2 sensors are as good as useless with a closed throttle and a cam with a generous overlap.
What I mean is this; the O2 may or may not be telling the truth, but what are you gonna do about it? You the tuner still need to chose a path, and there are too many paths available from that at-idle O2 reading.

>There is just way too much going on in the intake, and
> there are just too many more ways to screw it up with the Transfer-slot to Mixture screw alignment, that all too often
> accompanies excessive Idle Timing.
> at idle, even early combustion, with a big cam, is still gonna send unburned fuel and/or still burning fuel, into the header.That's part of why it stinks so bad. Your Power stroke may not be rich at all! maybe, only your exhaust is. You gotta learn to understand the difference, and the O2 cannot help you, cuz it's not in the cylinder! It only knows one thing, which you gotta interpret.
And on the overlap stroke, your header can yank fuel charge straight from the plenum right across the TDC-dwelling piston and into the header it goes; unburned. What do you suppose the O2 will have to say about that?

IMO, for Idle, with a big street-cam, there are just too many variables. I just stopped using that thing for idle.