Thrust issues with AFR gauge and Brawler carb

I dont have pin gauges yet or measured the empty emulsion holes. Air bleeds were marked with numbers but IFR jets and "powervalve jets" were not. Actually I made my own datalogger with Arduino that took afr reading 10 times per second. I try to find the log file and see if its showing something what you described.

You might not see it at 10 samples a second or it may not be as clear.

I sample at 50 times a second and I want to try 100 but that may just get too muddy to use.

I’ll go back and look at the sizes you have verified and see.

Also, I can’t emphasize how important for idle quality that you put the idle feed restriction down. Just doing that will do wonders for your idle.

Also, I forgot to mention why having all that emulsion open is so bad.

Those bleeds allow air into the main well. As you add air to fuel it gets lighter and therefore it takes less pressure differential across the booster to get fuel moving up the well and out to the booster.

If you get too much emulsion you will get what’s called “slugging”. That’s why you see the saw tooth AFR curve.

As you introduce more or bigger air bubbles into the main well (or both too many open and too big) eventually they will coalesce into a big bubble. When that happens you get a big “slug” of air. Then you get a big slug of fuel.

And it continues and you see that in you saw tooth graph.