On a beautiful fall day we were prepping the classics for winter hibernation, sigh....

Yesterday was a beautiful fall day, and my youngest son has some reorganizing of his single car garge to do this fall/winter and a winter car project as well ( another vehicle ) i told him his Duster could spend the winter at my garage. My garage isn't massive just a two car garage but like a lot of you, one half is for my classic while the other is for storage and shop tools etc. Anyway thankfully I also have a small storage shed out side and with some major reorganizing was able to clear a space for his car. Once in the garage we put the " skates" under it and moved it up against the wall. I've left room to get around my 56 as I have a few things I wish to do over the winter AND I still have three weeks of insurance left on it so I can have a few nice fall cruises before it sleeps for the winter to. Anyone else putting their classics away yet?

