Stop in for a cup of coffee

Soooo wife thinks I’ve gone off the deep end and all “mad max”.

seeing and hearing all these reports of no cell service or phone or internet and people not able to check in got me to thinking. I have a couple Hamm Radios I bought from my days of Search of Rescue work. They fully function and are still programmed to many of the main channels fema and the Red Cross uses for SAR as well as 150 common frequencies used by civilians. So I went this morning to Harbor Fright, got a couple small water tight plastic ammo cans and now each vehicle plus the house is now fully equipped with mobile radios and 12v chargers. Plus made step by step instructions on how to use in case **** hits the fan.

In reality, our area while not mountainous, is surrounded by multiple rivers and large hills, all it’d take is one good size tornado or flood and we’re cut off like TN/NC is currently.