14" Disk brakes

Have you priced out ANY parts lately?

You could do $1,000 worth of damage in a 5mph fender bender. Bent bumper and a broken grille, already over $1k. If it needs any paint, well over $1k.

If you drive in modern traffic, I guarantee no one will give you enough space to stop with a 4 wheel drum set up. And even if you leave that much room to the next car, someone will put 2 cars in it before you can back off more.
I get what your saying, Not try to talk the OP out of doing it, if the dude got the cash to dump on the brakes and don't care fair enough never said don't do it, just unless what you got is being obviously inadequate then you probably don't NEED to do it. Why does that bother YOU/OTHERS so much, do you think everyone with drum brakes right now shouldn't drive their car until the brakes are upgraded ? Should drum brake car be illegal until updated ? If not, it's not a mandatory mod it's an optional mod that one day it may come in handy and pay for itself but on average it won't. Just my opinion deal with it, you guy's can be tedious sometimes.
That’s just a piratejack kit. It’s just the same 73+ Mopar disk swap that has already been suggested, and DoctorDiff sells a similar kit with BETTER components and actual customer service. It’s the 73+ factory disks with an option to have them drilled for SBP.

So you’d save a couple bucks, get all Chinese parts, and no support by going with PirateJack.

Oh, and that kit does not work with all 14” SBP wheels, especially factory SBP drum wheels.
Just showed the first kit I found for sbp, not meant to prove something, I'm not trying to say me right you guy's wrong, just he may been lead to believe from the internet that disc are a must or maybe not, I just ask the OP a question, apparently that's too much for you guy's to handle :)