Powell Machine had some storm damage but let's talk cams anyway.

Like a lot of others, Powell claims that the intake closing is one of the two most important cam events. Sorry, could never see the logic.
An engine needs to ingest air to make hp; ingest more air, more hp. At IVC, there is zero air ingested. I would think what happens before the IVC is more important when air is still flowing into the cyl &.....
well, he was talking about TWO (or Three) events, and how to fill the time between them, for the Cam-Challenge.
I'm just a shade-tree mechanic, and I understood exactly his point, and those exact points are what I used to select cams for my cars over the years; as I learned what he also did. It was like he was talking straight at me!
My first cam was waay too big.
My second cam was a lil small.
#3 is a winner. But it took three tries and 4 years to get there. The learning curve was expensive.