Hurst mounting torque

Whoa hang on
Those Screws are supposed to have conically shaped star washers on them, and since they are Allen sockets, you cannot overtighten them without stripping the sockets.
Without the washers and/or without a locking agent they WILL come loose, not good. I did not say "may come loose"
I use Blue Loc-tite on the screw threads in either case, and a light smear of oil on the aluminum receiver cups, with or without the washers; cuz almost nothing is worse than a falling-apart shifter , when you are 500 miles from your toolbox.
The light oil-smear in the cup is to allow the screw-head to rotate easier so that you don't strip the allen sockets. I have also used a very thin smear of anti-seize in the cups.
In both cases, try hard to not let the Loc-tite become polluted, and if you use Loc-tite, then, after it sets, you will need heat to unlock those screws atta later date; else you will tear the sockets out.