Electric guitar...

I "found" rocksmith 2014 for my pc and have been just gradually getting my metal speed back up, but playing all the songs I know on a 7 string with fanned frets is a challenge. My left wrist is the one getting the workout now. My pinky finger cramped up playing Jesus of Suburbia because the entire song is nothing but 9 minutes of full fingered power chords which never used to be a problem when I was playing regularly. My biggest issue so far is having to play around the fact that the bottom string is no longer E, its B which honestly screws me up a lot more than i thought it would mentally and physically. The neck isn't even that much wider, but it's enough to make it feel like a slightly different instrument. That and the guy I bought it from has the action set pretty low so I'm having to work a little to get the sound clean until I adjust to it. Which leads me to the multiscale part. Honestly it's not too bad, but due to the bridge being slanted it changes how I have to set my hand for palm muting. All in all it's a new guitar that I'll have fun with for a while.