FABO Gold Members selling products

Now, I'm sure hoping this remains civil but...........
I'm curious why anyone who signs up to be a FABO member can just jump in and start selling items. Many don't even abide by the rules, because they didn't even take the time to familiarize themselves with the rules.. Wham Bam Thank you Mam and they're out! With the price of being a Gold Member should come the luxury of posting things for sale. Gold Members are actually helping support this site. No one selling and making a profit here that's not a Gold Member certainly isn't kicking in any green to the site. Soon the price will head to $60.00 a year. Become a Gold Member and sell your stuff. Imagine how those members would help support the site and maybe keep the cost of membership down. If you disappear for a while at least you contributed. Thoughts? @Joey