Anybody use clutch tamer

I feel that any relevant experience that can be shared will be beneficial to the small group of stick shift guys that are left out there. The very cool thing that weed burner brings to the table is data to back up his statements.

I have three season on my GTS with a tamer and there is no discrediting that. As I said 2024 is a wash because of the QuickTime rm6073 failing miserably.

If we didn't share our direct experience there would not be much point in having a message board would it? Well I guess it would serve for some of our antisocial members to pointlessly bicker in public. Surely everyone wants to listen to that crap over technical information from people's direct experience.... oh wait no they don't.

Naysayers and negative Nancy's stay home. LOL that goes for the racetrack too as far as I'm concerned.

Never agree with a poser. The results are posted above. Of course many posers on here are a protected class.