Pinging on acceleration.

Octane? I would poura higher octane race fuel in it and take it for a ride.

Not sure I have access to high octane racing fuel. This is going to be a daily driver, not a track car, so I'd prefer to tune it to regular gas.

Vacuum leak can cause a lean condition. Throttle shaft is one place. Check your hoses. Does your BBD have a sheet metal top on it? If so there is adjustment on the metering rods.

Non ethanol in my area is 90 octane. Love's may sell it. I know they did in Ada Ok.

What do you mean the timing light is "rolling?"

Distributor was new, or used?

Is the carb for a 6? BBD doesn't have the tin tab on it you usually can't identify it. However if the PCV connection is bent you have a super 6 carb.

Not sure what a sheet metal top looks like. Distributor is original, but the hoses, cap, wires and gear are new. Carburetor has been rebuilt.

The factory specs are a bit too conservative. Even at 5 degrees before, you shouldn't ping. Carbon build up, leaking valves, and wrong plugs can cause ping. What do you mean by rolling? If you mean a varying timing mark, it sounds like you have a worn chain.

Rolling meaning that the lines looks like they are rotating in a clockwise pattern all the way around the crank. That's why I think my light is messed up. That and it's reporting an incorrect RPM.

