Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

Well here is some observations from being exposed to thousands of pistol from holster draws. To be honest all and that means every single one I have personally witnessed have all been at matches or in a static range environment. In every single case the ND (negligent discharge) has been returning to the holster (OWB) NOT drawing. As a result while running the line I stress the importance of slowly and carefully looking the pistol back into the holster, this is especially important during inclement weather or cold weather training. Guys get very amped up in matches and or dynamic training. They simply go auto pilot and stuff the pistol back in the holster. I stress in every class to ask me the “WHY” questions, do not simply do as I ask, force me to explain why! So on reholstering the pistol, the Why aspect of looking it back in the holster is easy. The shooter has either eliminated the threat and or decided there is no threat prior to reholstering the sidearm, so if there is no threat, why do we need to hurry? The threat is resolved,if there is still a threat we do not reholster, right? Just some observation from the peanut gallery! As far as what I think was the original premise is Appendix carry inherently more dangerous than other options? I look at it like this, regardless of where the pistol originates , ultimately the individual is going to clear the garment, then with strong hand, grasp a loaded pistol, then adopt a two handed grip. Regardless of point of origin. There is inherent risk involved at all times while utilizing a firearm same as driving a car.
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