Pinging on acceleration.

I didn't think it was worth mentioning since I wasn't sure which mark was for top dead center. I plan on pulling plug one and going through the process again to verify what's what, but after getting the engine up to temp and pulling the vacuum advance, 0 degrees is below at 750 RPM.

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I guess I'm misunderstanding where the EGR valve is located. I thought it was under the carburetor on the intake manifold where that plate is in my picture, but I'll refer back to the documentation.

Please be patient with me. I'm diving back into this car after a while and have forgotten most of what I learned when I first started working on it. I'm relying on my notes and my history of threads on this forum to re-familiarize myself.

I'm honestly not trying to be difficult, I just don't want to waste anybody's time on stuff I feel I should know, so if it's not explained, I try and look it up.
If that arrow is pointing to your TDC mark, then you're running almost 12* before... way too much.