Boise on fire

well i hope all fair there issues with those wildfires , down here in san jose california . we have a fire starter along the freeway belts . and i was just recently touched by this fire bug . they burned a couch loaded with wood from a tree next to my storage yard with my vintage cars in it . i had a couple break ins , come through the fence i had put up , 8k for that , so i mended it and piled tires of all sorts along the fence to make it a tough job to get through . yes you guessed it , their fire set my tire wall on fire , which set flames on my 70 challenger rt 440 6 pk 4 spd car and , my 67 300 rag , burnt the traps and taillights on both and the whole but chrome as well as the clips that hold the trim on even burned the tip extension rubbers . i'm so thank full the local fire cure was fast on the spot , and saved the rest of my cars and put out the fire that was burning so hot it twisted the poles on the fence top rails for 40 feet . so i'm putting corrugated tin on the fence . putting all the screw heads on the inside and the pointed ends to the outside . and dealing with burnt tires is no fun job , i've been black and the tools are black and everything i touch is black . hope this gets done before they burn more of this 147 foot fence where the stacks of tire are still along .
That sucks ! Time for some cameras to help catch the fuckers ! I would club them like baby seals until they drool for life ! Death is too humane .