Pinging on acceleration.

Look REAL close on the balancer where the arrow is pointing. There's a hash mark. I'm almost positive that's the correct mark. If the balancer has been replaced, it will have two marks. All of them I have seen do. One mark for each timing tab position. Of course he won't know for sure which is correct until he checks TDC as he's been told. If he'll do it. You know how that goes around here.
The yellow paint is at the most retarded position, and has two distinct notches, there are multiple hashes...all in an advanced position, and none doubled that I can see. It'd make sense if one is marking the dampener to keep track of the advance curve, all the additional marks would be in the advanced position. It would also square that if the mech.timing were stuck advanced, that setting the base timing to -0-° w/o any further advance would make the car almost undriveable, just sayin'...