What’s it worth?

mopar guys are weird, but we already know this. the market is really weird right now, i'm seeing stuff all over the place.

your car ticks all the right boxes: stroker, sniper, rebuilt trans/suspension, brakes, i'm guessing rear end is on point as well. interior is very nice, exterior presents very well.

however, it's a very acquired taste. orange is always a tough sell, but there's some dudes that have the super horn for it. black out hoods are can be divisive, and the same can be said for rims. but that falls into pleasing some of the people most of the time and most of the people some of the some. besides, rims are easy to replace.

the real knocks you're gonna take (besides the rims) are the black underhood/trunk and the RMVB, those are both deal breakers for a lot of people.

real talk though, you're solidly in the 20's and sub 30 in my market. you may sit on it awhile to find the *right* buyer, but there's an *** for every seat and all that. also, it's a terrible time to sell a car right now. GLWTS!
Your butt for every seat rings true.
Most of the deal breakers you noted are what I like about the car.
Love the valve body, didn’t want to deal with linkage and nothing like putting the gas to the floor and clicking through the gears. It’s like driving a modern sports car in manual mode.