1983 dodge d150 overcharged battery

When key is on batt 12.04v alt 11.99v VR 11.56
When lights on batt 11.8v alt 11.7v VR 11.2v
What's the ammeter show for those two readings?
There should be no difference in voltage from the alt (which acts like a probe to the main splice) to the regulator terminal because with the current in that circuit should be very low, like 5 amps.
Also. How are you measuring the voltage at the regulator? Are you piercing the wire? removing the plug?
When ignition on batt 13.2 and rising alt 13.3 and rising and VR at 11.7v
With the engine running, Power supply at 13.3 V and voltage at regulator sensing terminal of 11.7 the resistance is probably in the column connector, key switch, or one or several of the connections in the ignition run wire.