Don't look now but here comes another Hurricane

Morning friends. We've prepped as good as we can. My wife's original gtx is in a parking garage at the 3rd floor. The dart (no rear end) is 3 cinder blocks high in the garage. The garage floor is at 7' elevation. Predicted surge now is 10' to 15'. Having lost everything (including a 68 bb 4spd gts dart) to Andrew in 92' we're ready for what ever cards we're dealt. Sucks to have to rebuild and start over at this stage in our lives. But. Instead of having babies, we have grown kids and grand children. They most important things! They have left and will be fine.
I'm hoping my fello mopar friends will evaluate also.

Most of what we have is "stuff". 90% will end up by the street. The priority is the house. We will be ok and we will rebuild. Mopar strong.

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Good luck , lost about 90 % of all our chit back with Ian. We know the feeling. Again, good luck to everyone in the path.