Just a Note About New Lifters

I need to understand something, please. What, may I ask, possessed you to disassemble brand new lifters to look inside to see if they were rusted? Is it known in the automotive world that this particular company fabricates sub standard parts? If this is the case, why would you buy them in the first place? Maybe I am missing something here.

Would you also buy a brand new carburetor for example and totally disassemble it just to see that all the internal parts are inside and in good shape?
I’ve said it many times on this forum and been preaching it for years, I don’t care what lifters you buy or what reputation a lifter manufacturer has, disassemble EVERY hydraulic lifter and clean them before using. If I use a hydraulic lifter in any engine I screw together, it gets disassembled, inspected, and cleaned prior to use. It’s easy to do and saves big headaches later.