i'm lazy, so i'd get the whole encharito with lifetime.
i've not done one, but i'm led to believe that doing joints on those is a right *****. and that's not something i'd like to find out the hard way.
basically, it's what's your time worth: 103 + the time to R&R the joint AND the bushings-- you're doing the bushings too, right? versus a straight R&R job, and if/when things go round and brown you just pop that sucker off and roll a new unit right in there.
i just did a 95 exploder front end. the complete mevotech lifetime arm was only about $40 more than just the joints/bushings. to me that's money ahead to not have to wrassle an arm and dick around with the press.
i mean yeah, if you're going straight up low rent, and you value your time at $0 then i totally get it that $140 is less than $800