Electronic Distributors From Rick Ehrenberg

is the dist. at least as good that would come on a HP car back in the day? as long as its good as a stocker I'd be happy. I gotta get this thing running and worry about the fine details later. As long as its a good unit I'll be ok. I would have got the mopar kit but its a orange box and I'd like to rev to 6000 at least

I seen some variances as well but who makes a stock dist in North America anymore?
I know from recent activities the chinese dist. are not set up well and the vac advance sucks. I been though it with chev and ford.
I appeciate the member with his rebuilding and such I just cant afford it. Being in Canada makes it worse.
and that nylon collar? I thought I was seeing things but wow I seen that on the cardone ones and such and thought it was a lighting issue. It really is nylon on some makes!

thanks for all the replies!
It's as good as any new store bought unit today. It's probably better in that it at least has a minimal performance curve. You will have to tune it more precisely for your specific application for optimum performance, as you would any distributor.