Aluminum heads and spark plugs

While I'm grateful that small block Mopar engines have affordable aluminum cylinder options, I never really liked the way that the spark plug's entry into the combustion chamber was implemented. I looks like a machining process step was skipped resulting in the recommended RC12YC spark plug being sunk and shrouded.

Yesterday I was replacing the plugs in my Ram and looking at the plug I had an idea.

RC12YC have a .750" thread while the 5.7 Hemi plug (NGK LZFR5CI) has a 1" thread.

What's worse, to have a sunk plug with the shrouding and ~0.300" exposed aluminum threads or have a plug that makes full use of the available cylinder head threads (improved plug cooling?), bump in compression with a comparable ~0.300 of exposed plug threads?

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My understanding is, and correct me if I'm wrong, that aluminum's non-ferrous nature means that it naturally lowers compression when used as a cylinder head. Thus, the valves are closer to the pistons to make up for that loss, and to maintain the same compression ratio. Something like that, as I recall.