Help identify this converter
I am very disappointed in the service at Hughes.
I bought the converter in advance as I usually do as
shipping and delivery sometimes take a few months.
I put in my car, and it instantly came apart and the car did not
even move!!
I called them immediately and still had the box and receipt.
They said "That converter is 90+ days old from when we shipped it
and there is absolutely no warranty"
The jerk charged me within just a few dollars of what it cost originally to fix it!!
Not even any discount and it was clearly their mistake in manufacturing. Now well
over $2,000.00 down the drain and I have bought may converters at the swap meets
for a $100 or two that work better in my 10 Second Street Valiant.
That is when I found a local converter rebuilder and figured out what turbine
and stator combinations worked for me.
The only big company that I have bought from since is ATI and they were great but expensive
as Hell. I believe the gentleman that actually did them for me passed away. Sorta like most of the people
I have worked with and learned I could trust over the years.