gauge frustration

According to the 1966 service manual, the voltage limiter (a.k.a. IVR) is in the fuel gauge.

Barracuda cluster:


Valiant cluster:


In both cases, the wire that should be feeding 12V+ to your IVR is a black 18ga wire. The wire coming out of the IVR to feed 5V+ to the oil gauge is 18ga brown (Barracuda only). I'm guessing there's a trace to feed the temp gauge?

I highly recommend getting the Real Time Engineering solid-state IVR as linked by @Dana67Dart. The home-grown 7805-based versions are much less expensive, but there are drawbacks which are listed on RTE's website. I've lived that nightmare. I built my first 7805-based IVR in 1997 for a '72 Satellite. It cost about $3; I used the OE IVR case as a heatsink. It worked for about a month, then had to swap clusters. I'd never use another. I have RTE IVRs for every one of my cars that use one.