@pittsburghracer gone.

This is truly sad. John gave so much to this site, whether it was sharing his insight into porting heads or his endless search for a hot woman at Walmart.

While I have never met John in person, please allow me to provide some insight to others on the kind of Man John was.

Back in 2018 I was coming home to take my dad to his tri-annual colonoscopy examination, as we had done for many years. I saw this as an opportunity to meet John while he was racing and we had made plans to meet up at the track. Well life being as it is, things didn’t work out that way. Spoke to my dad on Friday night and flew in on the redeye Saturday night. Got to my dad’s house Sunday morning and he wouldn’t answer the door. Long story short, I had to bust through the door and found my father passed away in his recliner. After a day or so, once I started to get my head around what happened, I contacted John and told him I wouldn’t be able to see him at the track because of what happened. He immediately got back to me and said that anything I needed he would be there and lived about an hour from my dad’s house. John didn’t know me from Adam, but was willing to stop everything he was doing to help me out, that says a lot about the character of John.

John was a steel mill worker, like my father and grandfather, they are a special breed who put others above themselves.

This hurts.

The world just got a little smaller today.