@pittsburghracer gone.

What a strange and wonderful thing, this internet. A large group of literal strangers are genuinely lamenting the passing of a man most never met, but considered a friend through nothing but the text he left us. He was just being John and having fun, and I doubt he was aware of the impact he made around this place. He was a treasure, and while we'll soldier on without him we'll always be aware of that hole. Goodbye, John. I wish I'd have known you.

For those of you who have not been checked out, please go to the doctor for a heart health check up! Heart disease is the leading cause of death in males and I truly believe a majority of heart attacks could have been thwarted. We keep losing folks we cant afford to lose!
I second this, but not just for heart health and not just for the older members. See your doctor and stay after your health, period. I lost a good friend to a freak heart attack when he was 21 and another to diagnosed heart issues--that could've been treated--at 38. It was his third one but "Hey, the first two didn't kill me!" The invincibility of youth is fleeting.