Who has done a 5.7 with a833 4 speed Overdrive ?

On another note, I'm just going to run the stock wiring harness for the ignition and lights. Are there any foreseeable issues with doing that?

Couple of thoughts on the stock wiring.

The stock ignition has 2 circuits, run and start, and they don't both have power at one time. So you have to tie them together so the PCM has power in both run and start. The other issue is that when the key goes from run to start there is a point where neither has power and this can trip up the PCM as it thinks the key was turned off and then back on again. Not really sure if the Terminator has issue with that, but I think the stock PCM can.

Don't run the alternator power through the amp gauge like stock. I would get rid of the amp gauge and run a voltmeter.

If you add a PDC, I would run the headlights off relays in it. Lights are so much better and the headlight switch only has to carry the trigger amps for the relays instead of all the amps to the headlights.

Other than that, I can't think of anything. I am planning to run a stock setup with the above changes.

Notta chance
would I run the Factory A833od box with that engine.
The od gear is IMHO extremely fragile. and when it blows up, you have no control of where the flak goes. If it goes thu the cluster it will wipe that out too, and now you are out shopping for another box.
Plus, you know, the ratios are so far apart.
3.09-1.67-1.00-.73od, splits of .54-.60-.73 into od.
So whatever you rev it to in First gear, the Rs will fall to .54 of that when you hit Second.. If your torque doesn't pick up until say 3800 rpm, yur gonna want to rev first to 3800/ .54=7040
and Going from Second to Third, 3800/.60= 6330.
When you get used to that, your instinct will be to slam it into fourth, and instantly the inertia of the flywheel will disintegrate your od gear. Bye-Bye trans.
Ask me how I know, after three of them ended up on my junk shelf.

If you insist on using that trans, then I highly advise you to install a lock out on overdrive, to force you to think about that poor 20tooth gear.

I agree, but only to a point. I have been driving a A833OD in my '74 for years now. Last spring I even found out it is the lower spline count one. Now my Duster isn't any kind of a horsepower build so it is kind of an apples to oranges comparison, but I have yet to frag the OD gear.

I think part of it is that driving style has a big impact. I know of people that can destroy an TR6060 with a stock 5.7 and others that have made multiple passes on a T5 running some quick times. Not to say you (AJ) can't drive a stick, only that based on what I have read over the years you are much harder on the trans than I am. I have "raced" my A833OD and never even got into 4th on the strip, and I have never rolled raced where I would need a 3-4 shift at maximum aggression. But I have passed people on the highway where I have gone from 3rd to 4th and it has been fine so far. This is even with a Dual Friction CF clutch, which one guy on here swears will kill transmissions.

In addition, I think the splits are fine for my build. And I think they would work just fine for a G3. Certainly not ideal, I think a wide ratio T56 Magnum is the king for me, but far from unusable.

That said, I think there are much better transmissions, but sometimes you run what you have.