Diff gear recommendations

I made the change from 3.23 to 3.55.. it did increase the Rpms to the point I bought taller tires to get the 3.23 feel back.

Looks like the Motive Gear is your best bet cost wise. ......but I gotta say it. IMO, the 3.55 is the most useless as tits on a boarhog ratio there is. lol I mean, the 3.23 is the perfect balance between highway and performance. The 3.55, while it's not a big change, IS a change and you WILL notice it. I would just go straight to the 3.73. And the reason I say that is because the mileage difference between the 3.55 and 3.73 will be absolutely minimal, yet the performance difference between the 3.23 and 3.73 will be huge.