Stop in for a cup of coffee

Thank you to Summit Racing Customer Service. They saved me the cost of replacing my phone and laptop.

Log in... Select vehicle... Search part, Filter result select part

Place in cart

Pop-up.... Verify Fitment
Ok, Year Make Model Trim.. Blah blah

This part does not fit your vehicle


Go back... Enter vehicle

Year, Make Model Trim, Drivetrain

View results

Apply filter, select part

Verify Fitment

Ok, I'll play your silly game

Year, Make Model Trim, Drivetrain

This part does not fit your vehicle


Try on the laptop... Same result

Text customer service

I'm the meantime, I'm repeatedly trying to defeat the system and failing. About to heave everything into the back yard

Customer service circles back about 15 minutes later.

Explain my issue again...Year, Make Model Trim, Drivetrain

Person texts back links for each part I wanted

Everything worked.