ID these greases

they should change that...

specific uses: makes the user hopeful that liberal application will prevent squeaks in poly bushings, but we absolutely will not give you anywhere near enough of it and surprise, it gets everywhere and you can't get it off and it's impervious to any kind of soap so you'll use gasoline and wind up spilling it all over the place and down your pant leg and into your shoe, which you'll promptly forget about and when you go home and kick off your shoes and peel off your socks your old lady will wake you up in the middle of the night because the whole house reeks like stank *** gas and now you're in dutch for the week. but whatever so you head to the shop early the next day and first thing you touch-- which was nowhere near the bushings or the work from yesterday-- has that damn grease on it and now it's on your face and you just freekin' ate some of it with your donut and now you want to burn everything and salt the earth behind you.