Paint gun for hobbiest?

Home painters. NOT everyone can spend the $ to send their classic out to paint jail and spend $8-10,000 for body/paint for their "baby" that will not be worth more than even the paint work if that when "restored". How many spend their $$ and then actually drive and enjoy their classic? Get a scratch or gravel peck and maybe poop in their pants?

For guys that will do the body/paint on more than one car, the incentive and challenge is to develop the skills to actually do a better job each time, in the realm of what you have to work with.
What do I see as the requirements to do a paint job to meet a person's expectations? A clean and SAFE area to prime/paint and be able to maintain proper temperatures, adequate KNOWLEDGE and experience for the entire process, a compressor that gives constant, clean, and adequate air, and guns to meet the persons skill and expectations. Like said, a competent person can do some really good work with not so expensive guns.\ Could he do better with a better gun. Some guys can. Maybe.

I see so many people today, that want a perfect classic car, they can't or will not do really any of the work, and they want it for pennies on the dollar. These same types cannot or will not even change their oil.