Why Is It?

Mechanicals. At least part genetics! I have cousins, two brothers, at least 4th (or more) generation farm kids. Back when they were kids, the younger one was about 13. He could take a tractor apart and put it back together and usually find and fix what was wrong. His brother, 2 years older, grew up and was 50 and still could not hook up a harrow by himself. The younger had to repeat 2 years in HS, his brother got a degree. One had common sense and the other "book" sense. But..Some people have both in large amounts! Not me!

My dad had tremendous mechanical skills. But after 25 years in the USMC Aviation (mechanic and then officer) and 2 wars, he retired and had no desire to work on anything. Change oil, plugs, and points about it.
You know, 4 speeds are for drag racing, and YOU will KILL yourself!!But.. Never mind the draft. That won't kill ya!

I have friends that I swear were born knowing how to rebuild a carb and make it perfect. I struggle with mechanicals. Struggle but I get it done. I am deslexic. I can see things backwards, and don't even know it.
But I have always had the ability to train a horse, possess the balance, feel, timing, instinct, the ability to get it done and not hurt myself (usually) or the critter....I figure God gave me that ability.

That diagostic pyramid RRR mentioned would be a great tool to have...laminated for the tool box!!