Why Is It?

It's all a crap shoot. I worked with my grandfather on my mom's side for years working on the farm equipment. He had a 6 row Gleaner and retired when he was well into his 80's. We welded, machined, wrenched and rewired on that old girl and she made it through without him having to buy a new machine. He spent more time in the field than the neighbor's, but he always said..."what's the hurry? I have the whole winter off other than the hog's and the cattle." My dad was always working on the cars and the houses. He had a 67 Mustang and a factory 4 BBl 289 65 Ford Fairlane wagon. We were always working on something. Wiring, plumbing, carpentry etc. My sister was exposed to the same environment and couldn't pound in a nail or even hook a catfish for that matter and to this day still can't. Now kids know cell phones, computers and video games. The videos of kids who see a rotary phone for the first time generally tells the story.