Paint gun for hobbiest?

I guess I don't understand. What is an Affiliate Code?

Ok, maybe hijacked was the wrong terminology. It's nothing to worry about really. It's the "fabo03-20" that got added to the amazon link above. If you click on that and bought that product, fabo would receive a commission from amazon. It doesn't make the item more expensive. I was just surprised it added that to a link i posted. It's alright i guess. It'll add a little money to the fabo coffers if someone clicks that link and makes a purchase. A person could always just to go and search the product directly if they don't like it.

Would you make the money if they didnt?

No, because i'm not an amazon affiliate and i wouldn't do that even if i was. But it's normal for websites to do that when they list amazon products on their website. I was just surprised it added that to a link posted by a member.