Random pictures thread

Just reminded me: At our previous place we had a pretty secluded backyard, and a local fox used to take naps in our backyard during the day, as there were few predators to speak of. We have some cute pics on our computer at home, otherwise I'd post one or two.

Anyway, one day I was walking around the house and when I came around the corner I startled the snoozing fox. Don't know who was more scared: him/it, or me, but when it/him barked at me from about 15 feet away I s-l-o-w-l-y backed away....
My mother used to live on a small acreage about 1/4 mile from the east shore of Lake Winnipeg. She was there for about 22 years and had a couple families of foxes that would hang around her Koi pond in the fall. Lots of pictures of the young ones, they seemed to come back year after year. Surprising because she always had at least 3 very big dogs in the house. She had plenty of wildlife come around there, bears, deer, wolves, coyotes, etc. I would love to have bought the place when she sold it bit I was going through a nasty divorce at the time.