Eric's cam challenge

DV also said his lobe profile was street car designed lobe, other competitors could be super aggressive and not live long on the street, straining your valve train.

Even through his peak hp numbers were lower than the best cam(-32hp), his average hp numbers were better (-14.6).

I would like to believe that if this competition had degreed every camshaft, optimized timing curves and carb tuning, this whole competition would be a different story. That would take a month of dyno time and $$$$$.
He knew what the assignment was, that's what he choose to send. Compare to the others that made good hp he was shy on exhaust duration.

If he wasn't so full of himself and blowing his own horn how he's the best no one would be ripping on him, he did ok. Most the other guys tend to be modest so when they don't do so well people tend to give them a pass. But for all these years of him going on how he's the best he failed to showed it today.