Eric's cam challenge

DV also said his lobe profile was street car designed lobe, other competitors could be super aggressive and not live long on the street, straining your valve train.

Even through his peak hp numbers were lower than the best cam(-32hp), his average hp numbers were better (-14.6).

I would like to believe that if this competition had degreed every camshaft, optimized timing curves and carb tuning, this whole competition would be a different story. That would take a month of dyno time and $$$$$.

But that’s just making excuses. DV knew EXACTLY what the testing would be.

Did he want to win and screw up or did he do his best and it is what it is?

I say it’s the latter.

He chose the timing and the lobes. This is the guy that has tested 19,000 cams or something like that. He couldn’t come up with a more competitive cam than that?

No excuses. He didn’t do well.