CHEAP people....let's see your stories about those frugal folks that were smart or really annoying!

WE all know CHEAP people. Some of us are those people.
Sometimes they are really smart and just not being wasteful but sometimes their penny pinching ways are annoying.
Me? I can be cheap sometimes. It sometimes is motivated by money but other times I like a challenge to do more with less.
This car:

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Was put together with mostly used parts I saved over the years. Yeah, I could have opened the wallet and bought new things but it was fun to see what I could do with a tight budget. I have a running, driving ratty car for a total outlay of under $10,000.

What about the people that use single ply toilet paper or that recycle used engine oil to lubricate door hinges?
Who has stories of family members or friends that were so CHEAP that they annoyed the heck out of you?
Uncle Star Smith, F-15, F-4 Fighter pilot, Commander of an air wing in England, will take his 6 liter, 4 door gas truck and drive across a four lane road (which takes lots of time idling, waiting) to go get gas 1 cent cheaper across the road to the other gas station (which just lowered its price).

Uncle TD, will manage and engineer bridge building in Texas, but drives ANY WHERE, interstates, freeways etc. 49-55mph.

I worked for him as a mechanic and he refused to accomplish preventative maintenance. He thought I could repair his $500,000 cranes instead of someone trained to work on them. We finish work at this remote area last year, I made a bet with another worker… filled up his 400,000 mile, 3 valve, 5.4 ford pickup with over half a gallon of oil and more than one gallon of coolant/water before I let him leave. SMH I just don’t understand how he could manage over a million dollars of heavy equipment assets, all of which half assed worked (so damn dangerous), would never pass any osha inspection, and never do preventative maintenance . Every company truck had bald tires, sketchy brakes, started up with a ritual, engine filled with crude oil…

But he made a great retirement for himself, gave great work to the tax payer (ugh hired illegals to do most of his work-some had papers, most were not citizens), and built many of the overpass freeway sky scraping roads and rural county bridges around San Antonio, and rural Texas. Their father was cheap, but never taught them those behaviors-their father was the head maintenance officer at Kelly Air Force base for over a decade-paba could hear one cylinder misfiring among 20+ cylinders firing. I always wondered how my uncles never fell for harbor freight. We are not Jewish as the stereo type would allude to, but I swear if these men represent my ancestors, then we invented copper wire with two of them pulling on the same penny!