Butters "Winter Upgrades". . Starting a Little Early

Leaf season is heavily upon me and is eating up most of my weekends. We live in a heavily wooded area.. The woods. Ironically, Saturday, my wife wanted to go drive through Brown County Park and look at.. The leaves and trees lol. I enjoy the time with her, so no complaints. The views there, really are nice but the tress weren't quite at their peak yet. When they are, it really is amazing.

Anyway, Dottie and I did find a little time to remove the back seat, rear carpet and the dreaded AC unit. I'll be welding in subfrane connectors and don't need any fires.

The AC unit is such a beast! 36" long, 11 or so inches deep and probably 12" tall. In Hindsight, it would've been easier to pull prior to increasing the tunnel size lol. Tight! It really wasn't until I realized that the stock ac wasn't going to allow me to run a electronic pedal (Previously bellcrank) that I was going to pull it. When I saw that, I decided that I wasn't gonna fight it and just get an aftermarket system.. It was kinda meh at best anyway.

Once dottie and I had it out.. She insisted that it was play time!





