Odd shifter problem, need advice

We're it mine, I'd make sure carpet or something wasn't restricting pedal travel.
Then I'd adjust the he clutch so throw out bearing is touching clutch fingers ( to be properly adjusted later ), to get as much disc/pp departure distance at max.
The grind is mismatched shaft speed which syncros are supposed to match by slowing one down.
If clutch disc is dragging, syncr can't stop it, = grind.
This is where AJ would go into syncro cone depth etc, it's a good read, but another thread.
So either syncros worn, ( this is where I usually trade #4 syncro/little use, for #2 syncro/hard use).
Or lube isn't being "dispersed" fast enuff from syncro surface, thus syncro is non-effective.
He would likely suggest 50/50 gear oil/ATF.

Summary . Adjust throw out brg temporarily to eliminate clutch throw distance.
Change lube, see AJ post .
Me, I'd prepare to change syncros. jmo.

Good luck